Ibis here is always somehow ibisring. We started the organisation years ago with some friends that where also convinced that these birds needed more atention in aviculture. For sure, more information would be helpfull. We are still building on what will someday be the full ibis info. Most of it can be seen on WWW.IBISRING.ORG where you can share the info, become member for free etc etc.

Our ibises started by liking the birds, but never thought it would be possible to have them at home. Till a famous Dutch importer brought too many in for a zoo, they did not take them. So we where able to get some, the start of a long adventure....

Over the years we learned, found ways to get other species, raised and enjoyed.

We did not got into the collectors battle to keep all species. We have the species we like, we will work to get the ones not yet availible, But we also keep the difficult ones going. Buffnecked ibis, Australian white ibis are the ones that need good breeders.

We still have our original bloodline for Blackfaced ibis.